Cyberpunk Restaurant in Japan Serves Vacuum-Packed Burgers and Sake Made From Seahorses

Neo Shinjuku Atsushi

A new restaurant in Tokyo is bringing the cyberpunk aesthetic of sci-fi films and anime movies to life. Neo Shinjuku Atsushi provides a unique experience that transports patrons into a dystopian world. The neon-filled space is designed to take anyone who enters away from reality and into an environment where the outside world appears to be crumbling.

With seating for just 29 people—including nine seats at the bar—Neon Shinjuku Atsushi is an intimate experience. And the food is just as unique as the setting. There is the “retort burger” which comes in a vacuum-packed bag. The burger is cooked using retort processing, which allows the sealed burger to be stored at room temperature for an extended period of time. When ordered, it gets popped in the microwave, bringing back all the moisture to the bread and pattie.

The drinks are equally futuristic. Conceived by ChatGPT, the drink menu includes a dipping sake made with seahorses, cordyceps, and bees. If insects and parasitic fungi aren’t your thing, they also serve fresh fruit drinks served in plastic pouches.

In keeping with the futuristic theme, Neo Shinjuku Atsushi also has a 3D food printer and a small hydroponic garden. This new cyberpunk dining experience, located close to the Shinjuku Sanchome Station, is open for lunch and dinner. So, if you are a sci-fi or anime lover, be sure to head over to live out your postmodern apocalyptic fantasy.

Neo Shinjuku Atsushi is a new cyberpunk restaurant in Tokyo.

Interior of Neo Shinjuku Atsushi
Interior of Neo Shinjuku Atsushi

The interior looks like it’s been ripped from a dystopian science-fiction or anime movie.

Interior of Neo Shinjuku Atsushi
Neo Shinjuku Atsushi

The futuristic restaurant serves ChatGPT-designed drinks and a vacuum-sealed “retort burger”.

Drinks from Neo Shinjuku Atsushi
Retort Burger from Neo Shinjuku Atsushi

The intimate setting is the perfect way to transport yourself to another dimension.

Neon signs at Neo Shinjuku Atsushi
Interior of Neo Shinjuku Atsushi

Neo Shinjuku Atsushi: Twitter

All images via Neo Shinjuku Atsushi.

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