Elegant Watery-Eyed Dolls Convey the Beautiful Complexity of Human Emotions

Artist Marina Bychkova sees her hyperrealistic dolls as more than just toys. Working under the name Enchanted Dolls, she sculpts elegant, ball-jointed figures and adorns them with elaborate costumes that include precious gemstones, metals, and rare found objects. Their attire is immediately striking, as are the lifelike expressions on their faces. Thanks to Bychkova’s expert painting skills, she conveys true emotion in the women’s eyes as well as glistening highlights on their noses and lips. Every hair, down to their lashes and brows, is finely articulated, furthering the illusion that these are real people.

Bychkova captures the essence of humanity through her artwork, resulting in dolls that are as complex as they are beautiful. Many of the figures are inspired by classic folktales such as Cinderella or Little Red Riding Hood–they reflect the original stories, which are darker and less whimsical than their pop-culture counterparts. At times, they appear vulnerable and evoke feelings of sympathy for their plight, while in other instances they seem confident in tackling what lies ahead. No matter the expression, each doll is handled with the same incredible attention to detail to create an unforgettable presence.

Marina Bychkova: Website | Facebook
via [Design You Trust]

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