Watch a Herd of Adorable Alpacas Enjoy a Leisurely Walk Around Australia’s Taronga Zoo

When thinking of relaxing content, many rely on ocean landscapes or ASMR videos to decompress. But that may be because they haven’t given alpacas a chance. A video shot at Australia’s Taronga Zoo, taken by National Geographic WILD, follows a little herd of alpacas as they enjoy their daily walk. It’s so relaxing to watch!

Extracted from an episode of Secrets of the Zoo: Down Under, the clip shows zoo caretakers Parnee Bonson and Simon Brown taking three 5-year-old male alpacas on a walk down the hill where they can graze. Their names are Cartouche, Aragon, and Scaramouche, and they look simply excited to go on an adventure.

After enjoying a treat, Cartouche, the white alpaca, is led with a halter and led, while the other two alpacas, Scaramouche and Aragon, happily follow along freely. “Once Scaramouche and Aragon realize that we’re coming down to the concert lawns, they tend to take off ahead of us and race down to the grass so they can start grazing,” Bonson says.

The fluffy creatures make their way to their favorite grazing spot for a meal—a visual that softly conveys peace and joy. The humans at their charge describe this as their favorite part of their day.

Originally from South America, alpacas are about the size of a large dog. Despite their fuzzy appearance, they belong to the Camelidae family, meaning they are related to camels. While it may be hard to notice at first, their long neck, muzzle, and feet give it away. As domesticated animals, they are not endangered. Even better, unlike cattle and horses, their padded feet allow them to graze without damaging the landscape.

You can watch Cartouche, Aragon, and Scaramouche go on a happy walk in the video above.

h/t: [The Kid Should See This]

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