Wondrous World of Flowers That Look Like Something Completely Different

Over thousands of years, plants and flowers have had to evolve in order to continue to attract pollinators. Their astounding adaptations have resulted in a myriad of distinct and unusual sizes, shapes, colors, patterns, and smells. Some even coincidentally resemble non-floral subjects, including a diverse range of animals, objects, and human figures. The same way we find shapes in clouds or faces in architecture, this series of flora photos also proves that the natural world is a gallery of never-ending entertainment.

Below, you’ll find everything from monkey faces and happy aliens to plump red lips and white doves. Scroll through to see the botanical gifts that surround and mimic the world around us.

Above photo: The White Egret Orchid (Habenaria Radiata) looks like a bird soaring into the air. (Photo: Rachel Scott-Renouf)

This tropical tree (Psychotria Elata) is found in the rain forests of Central and South America. The bright red lips attract pollinators like hummingbirds and butterflies, but only remain for a short time until the full flowers are revealed. (Photo: Sofia Mestre Linda Velasquez)

This orchid (Dracula Simia) is epiphytic and forms the face of a monkey. It blooms at any season and emits a citrus scent. The orchid was extremely popular in Japan to ring in the 2016 Year of the Monkey. (Photo: Expats Again)

This ballerina orchid does pirouettes in the wind. (Photo: Terry Montero)

This type of orchid (Anguloa Uniflora) resembles a tiny swaddled baby. (Photo: tudosobreplantas)

When viewed from the side, this special species of Basalm called “Impatients Psittacina” looks like a flying parrot. (Photo: Jittin Flowers)

This is no ordinary tiger lily. Look closely and you’ll see a tiger’s face in the center of this orchid. (Photo: ScienceForums)

If you are need of a skull to decorate with, look no further than a Snap Dragon Seed Pod. Although snap dragons flowers are quite beautiful in bloom, they are born from slightly macabre beginnings. (Photos: laajala)

The flower Aristolochia Salvadorensis looks awfully similar to Darth Vader’s mask! (Photo: Garden of Eaden)

The Prosthechea cochleata is a flower native to Central America, parts of South America, the West Indies, and southern Florida. It is sometimes referred to as an upside-down orchid, which makes it look like a green squid or some sort of floral version of Kang and Kodos. (Photo: Doris.L)

Hallelujah! Habenaria Grandifloriformis is an orchid with a voice (and visage) of an angel. (Photo: sumukha)

The Ophrys Bombyliflora is named after the Greek word bombylios, meaning bumblebee. (Photo: Graham Gavaghan)

Flying Duck orchids (Caleana Major) are found in eastern and southern Australia. (Photo: Bill Higham)

The Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera) is such a deceptive looking flower that male insects are attracted to its appearance, coupled with its sweet scent. (Photo: virole_bridee)

This species of impatiens (Impatiens Bequaertii) grows to only about half an inch in size, and are thought to look like dancing girls. (Photo: Strange Wonderful Things)

The Calceolaria Uniflora is a mountain plant found in Tierro del Fuego, but could possibly be some distant alien cousin of ET. (Photo: Butterfly voyages)

The Stapelia flavopurpurea flower looks like a starfish, but smells like beeswax. (Photo: Martin Heigan)

An orchid of peace—Peristeria Elata has a petal dove at its core. (Photo: Michael Manners, Ricardo Valentin)

Not only is the Phalaenopsis orchid a stunning shade of fuchsia, it also looks like a bird nesting within a wall of petals, though some have compared it to a moth in flight. In fact, the flower’s scientific name may be a reference to the genus Phalaena, which describes a certain species of moth. (Photos: Christian Kneidinger,  José Roberto Rodrigues Araújo)

via [Boing Boing]

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