Paris-born, Lisbon-based artist Joana Vasconcelos takes everyday objects and transforms them into life-size replicas of high-heel sandals in her aptly titled series Shoes. Each towering shoe is constructed out of dozens of stainless steel pots, pans, and lids of varying sizes. These sculptural installations are really remarkable to look at and deconstruct, which makes it no surprise that they have traveled the globe over the years, showing in private galleries in Seoul to the Chteau de Versailles.
As eye-catching as the giant pieces are, the kitchenware/footwear pieces also hold deeper interpretations. The “shoes” reflect on the social conventions, in terms of gender roles and expectations, instilled within traditional generations that have also creeped into modern society. They represent the dichotomous domestic responsibilities paired with contemporary ideals of a woman. The challenge, therefore, is symbolized in a pair of elegant heels made of pristine cookware.