No other tennis court in the world has quite the view (or drop) as the one at the Burj Al Arab hotel in Dubai. Located more than 650 ft (200 m) above ground, the hotel’s grass helipad was converted into a 4500 sq ft (415 sq m) tennis court to promote the Dubai Open back in 2005. Longtime rivals Andre Agassi and Roger Federer had the opportunity to play on the court and even fired a few balls off the edge.
“This was an absolutely amazing experience,” said Agassi. “When you first get over how high you are and start playing it’s an absolute joy and it was a great time. I had no issues with the height as long as I didn’t have to bungee jump off the side.”
“I have been in Dubai many times and have stayed at Burj Al Arab before, but this was an absolute treat,” added Federer. “To play tennis with Andre on top of such an amazing hotel and overlooking the whole of Dubai was absolutely spectacular.”
Burj Al Arab website
Dubai Open website
via [Amusing Planet], [Hospitality Net], [Hemmy]