Exquisite Sculptural Blooms Made with Thousands of Ceramic Shards

Using thousands of ceramic shards, Israeli artist Zemer Peled constructs sculptures that resemble beautiful blooming flowers. The intricate works combine a variety of colors and designs, most notably cobalt blue that’s used in traditional Japanese pottery. Peled arranges the shards according to their length, color, and shape. The similar-looking pieces form long petals with a dotted, stamen-like center.

To construct these gorgeous works, Peled uses a slab roller and creates sheets of clay that are glazed and fired. She then smashes them into small pieces using a hammer. These shards are later divided and collaged into her sculptures.

Peled’s work engages both the beauty and brutality of nature through appearance and touch. On one hand, her ceramics highlight the elegance of flowers and their incredible organic structure. But at the same time, the individual shards can have sharp, pointed edges and are a stark contrast to the soft-colored blooms.

Zemer Peled website
via [Colossal]

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