Zaha Hadid’s Ultra Sylish Parking Garage

Only Zaha Hadid could make a parking garage look this stylish. The world-renowned architect will be designing the new structure for Miami. After the city’s previous success with famous architects Frank Gehry, Enrique Norton and others, it’s created new, visually striking car parks that have attracted worldwide attention. The mayor, Matti Bower says “even our parking garages are more than a group of parking spaces. Some have become destinations within themselves and have attained individual iconic status. Every building can be a work of art.”

The rough design of Hadid’s proposal is a large ovular building with a winding track up to the top of the building. The levels of the garage seem to be offset from each other creating an interesting almost off-balance look. The car park also doesn’t feature a main roof. Instead, natural light comes streaming in through the open sides and roof.

Zaha Hadid’s website
via [Dezeen]

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