Stunning Aerial Shots of Iceland’s Shores Look Like Emotional Abstract Paintings

Zack Seckler is renowned for his absolutely stunning aerial photography. His newest collection features breathtaking portraits of the isolated landscapes of Iceland, shot from high above in a lightweight aircraft. The staggering choice of perspective creates a feeling of surrealism and near-vertigo, offering viewers an alien world awash in subtle blue tones.

His photographs feature a variety of wildlife that make a home out of the frigid tundra–from slowly circling families of birds and seals to a singular whale that is barely noticeable in a sea of rippling layers. These familiar sights provide a sense of context within images that otherwise lack any semblance of direction. Seckler’s portraits work to highlight the minimalistic beauty of the frozen land, showing landscapes that are surreal yet soothing in their composition. The novel perspective and the shift in scope that he maintains results in a collection that works to draw attention to the simple beauty and vivid colours of the wild environment.

Previously, Seckler has released a series of images that celebrate the green of the plains of Botswana, from the same distant viewpoint. His current series of abstract aerials will be exhibited in a solo show at Robin Rice Gallery in New York starting March 16. The exhibit will run through May 8, 2016.

Zack Seckler: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [Ignant, This Isn’t Happiness]

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