New Amazingly Detailed Paper Portrait by Yulia Brodskaya

When looking at this artwork, at first you may only see the gorgeous lines and vibrant color of abstraction. But, upon further inspection, you’ll find that these intricate swirls of color blend together to form detailed faces, shapes, and typography. And, most amazing of all, the entire piece is a three-dimensional construction, made out of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together onto the canvas.

Russian paper artist Yulia Brodskaya has worked in this process, called quilling, for several years. Currently based in the UK, the artist loves working with paper and can spend endless hours and days working on a single piece. The detailed portraits are colorful and textured, with a fluid movement that evokes a lively energy in her still collages.

If you like Brodskaya’s work, you can check out another one of her portraits, entitled Babushka.

via [Colossal]

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