YPOC’s Visual Storytellers Contest: Best of Week 1

This contest is sponsored by YPOC.com, believers that art is all around us just waiting to be made.

Last week, we kicked off YPOC’s Visual Storytellers contest, asking YOU to show us a story in your art or photograph. Boy, did you all deliver! Here’s some of the best entries we received in the past week. Notice how they’re from all around the globe!

If you haven’t submitted yet, it’s not too late. This is a month long contest and we’re only now at the beginning of week 2. Send your entries to [email protected] and then Facebook “like” YPOC’s Facebook fan page for your chance to win $1000 cash and/or two $500 gift certificates to YPOC.com. See this post for more details.


Phillip Van Nostrand

Xiaosian Hong

Sally Yocum


Kelly McKernan

Rob Matson

Michelle Ferrera

First photo credit: Mike Nocher

Which one, do you think, tells the most intriguing story?

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