Three Young Cancer Survivors Recreate Their Viral Photo as Now Healthy, Happy Kids

In 2014, a trio of young girls–Rheann Franklin, Ainsley Peters, and Rylie Hughey–were each battling different types of cancer. They were brought together by Oklahoma-based photographers Lora Scantling and Christy Goodger for a special studio session and forged a connection based on their similar struggles. From this meeting, a sweet-yet-poignant picture emerged that featured the girls outfitted in vintage-style dresses as they embraced one another. The photograph demonstrated their collective strength and went viral, touching the hearts of people across the globe.

Since that picture, the girls have made significant progress in their fight with cancer. They are each in remission and living their lives as relatively normal, happy kids. They attend school, play with their friends, and enjoy activities such as dance and gymnastics. To celebrate, Scantling reunited Rheann, Ainsley, and Rylie for an extra-special photo shoot in which they incorporated a framed version of the famous image. “We decided to do it holding the original picture this year so everyone could see how much they have changed!” Scantling told

Their new picture provides hope to all those that are suffering from cancer–things can get better. “The bond they have is incredible,” Scantling said, “and it’s really neat that they understand that their picture has been seen all over the world and that they have made a huge difference for childhood cancer awareness!”

Check out the trio’s other photos, below.

Scantling Photography: Website | Facebook
via [TODAY, Cosmopolitan]

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