Student Nibbles Nilla Wafers to Create All 450 Moon Phases

Brooklyn art student Yona Lee carefully nibbled away Nilla Wafers to accurately reflect all 450 phases of the moon. She arranged the 450 partially eaten cookies, each one representing a different phase, against a black backdrop to create an accurate lunar progression chart. Creatively, the chart itself is arranged in the shape of the moon. Lee employed a projector to help her capture the shapes correctly.

The artist says she was inspired to complete the project by a desire to reawaken imaginative childhood instincts. As a young girl, she used to play in her yard, digging in the dirt and imaging the sand was rice, a fork or a plate. With the power of youthful creativity, she could turn inanimate objects into anything using her mind. When the opportunity for this thesis project came along, she decided to return to playing with food and reimaging it as different objects. “I reconsidered an object through imagination and curiosity, to give it a voice,” she says of her Nilla Wafer moon chart.

Yona Lee’s thesis project
via [Laughing Squid]

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