G.I. Joe Toy Figurines Amusingly Captured in Yoga Poses

When you see a G.I. Joe toy figure, would you expect that he’d be in the middle of a yoga pose? Probably not. But now, with creator Dan Abramson’s Yoga Joes, the small green men are completing moves like the downward-facing dog, child’s pose, and even the crow. They look similar to the plastic figures that hold guns, but instead they’re now working their body and mind.

Abramson wants more folks to try yoga, and he says that today, unexpected people reap the benefits of this calming exercise – from professional athletes to military men and women returning from wartime. He hopes that Yoga Joes will introduce even more people to the practice, and at the very least they’ll find amusement in the figurines.

In order to make this an affordable toy, Abramson took to Kickstarter for the funding of this project. He had the idea for the Yoga Joes over a year ago, and has already used 3D design software to create a prototype. Now, he wants to produce them using plastic injection, which is less expensive in the long run but has a large upfront cost. The Kickstarter currently has several days left and will be funded. So, there’s still time to get your own Yoga Joes before Christmas.

Downward-Facing Dog

Warrior Two

Cobra Pose

Child’s Pose

Meditation Pose


Warrior One

Crow Pose

Tree Pose

Yoga Joes Kickstarter page
via [This Isn’t Happiness and Fast Company]

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