Single Mom Dresses Up Like a Man to Go to Fathers-Only School Event With Her Son

One single mom went above and beyond to make sure her son had the best father-son school event possible. Last week, Yevette Vasquez was dropping off her son, Elijah, at his school in Fort Worth, Texas, when she noticed an unusual abundance of cars in the parking lot. The mother of three asked Elijah if there was something going on, only to find out that there was a special morning event for fathers and children called “Donuts with Dad.” Heartbroken that Elijah would have to miss out, Vasquez turned the car around and sped home with an idea. They had 10 minutes before the bell was going to ring for Vasquez to “disguise” herself as a father for the breakfast event.

With Elijah’s help, Vasquez donned a baseball cap, a fake mustache, her son’s plaid shirt, and a spritz of cologne. “He kept saying, ‘No, you still look like a girl!’ ” Vasquez laughs. “It was the first time I’ve dressed as a man. We’re going to remember this forever.” They arrived back to school just in time to sit down with the families and enjoy donuts and time together. The reaction to her impromptu decision was overall positive. “Most of the dads thought it was really cool,” Vasquez told CNN. “They thought it was really supportive and sweet. I did feel the energy of a few men who weren’t as comfortable with it though.”

Regardless of how any of the other fathers felt, the smile on Elijah’s face shows that it was worth it. “He kept shaking and said ‘Thank you.’ I told him, ‘I did this for you so you can have fun.’ ” Vasquez says her only regret is that she didn’t do it sooner in Elijah’s life. The best time to start is now, though, and after she shared her “man” selfies on Facebook, she’s become a viral sensation, inspiring single parents all over the world to share their stories and struggles with each other. In an interview with Fort Worth’s Star Telegram, Vasquez shares, “It’s so much more then I ever expected to happen, and my heart is so full from all the love and support.” 

Yevette Vasquez: Facebook
via [Huffington Post, Mashable]

All images via Yevette Vasquez.

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