Yarn Bombs (26 Clever and Cool Examples)

Call it crazy. Call it ridiculous. Call it Banksy meets Martha Stewart. Yarn bombing is gripping the nation and there’s just no stopping it! Just who are these rogue knitters and why are they invading our streets? Well, if you ask them they’ll most likely give you this answer: to beautify and reclaim our public space.

There’s actually several books and blogs dedicated to yarn bombing, including one that’s run by two knitters, Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain. The mighty duo wants to “improve the urban landscape one stitch at a time.” Their book is called Yarn Bombing: The Art of Crochet and Knit Graffiti and in it they talk about how this guerilla art movement, which started underground, is now gaining international attention.

Texas-based graffiti collective Knitta is the group who started ths knit-griffiti revolution back in 2005. To see how others have built upon their legacy, check out Flickr groups Urban Knitting, Yarn Bombing DIY and Guerilla Knitting.

Collected here are some of the cleverest and coolest examples of yarn bombs. Enjoy!

Read more about this phenomenon at Times Online.

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