Panoramic Exhibit Offers Life-Size Views of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef

Visual artist Yadegar Asisi uses his latest, larger-than-life panoramic exhibit to transport viewers to Australia’s mesmerizing Great Barrier Reef. In a breathtaking display of oceanic blues, lush greens, and dazzling light refractions, Asisi created a cloth-based replica of this underwater world. Countless species call this intriguing location home and the artist skillfully demonstrates the incredible amount of diversity that’s present in this renowned marine environment.

Onlookers are welcome to immerse themselves in the designer’s installation as they climb up the exhibit’s platform. While they explore this vivid universe, guests will learn that they’re amidst a display that’s based on a 1:1 ratio. This means that Asisi’s work is a thorough carbon copy of the actual coral reef. Instead of traveling to Australia, one can simply visit the artist’s installation to accurately visualize this nautical habitat. 

In the past, the creative has showcased Mount Everest, Rome during 312 AD, and the Berlin Wall in a similar, realistic fashion. To see just how extensively detailed Asisi’s work is, you can tour his current Great Barrier Reef exhibit at the Asisi Panometer in Leipzig, Germany until September 18th, 2016.

Photo credit: Tom Schulze asisi

Yadegar Asisi: Website | Facebook
via [Lost at E Minor]

All photos via Jens Meyer unless otherwise stated.

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