Artist Encases Delicate Beauty of Nature in Tiffany-Glass Style Pendant Necklaces

Jewelry designer Stanislava Korobkova encases the delicate beauty of nature in vintage-style pendants. To do this, the Dublin-based creative ventures outdoors to pick tiny leaves and flowers, pressing them flat in order to preserve their fine details. Afterwards, she places the dried materials between glass and seals them with metal, using the same technique you’d find on a Tiffany lamp. The long necklaces are an exquisite and fashionable way to incorporate the forest into your everyday dress.

The outdoors continually inspires Korobkova’s artistic process. “It is amazing to keep all little treasuries which you collect during spring and summer and gave them new life,” she writes. “I think nature already created amazing and beautiful things, and all I should do is make proper frame for them and save this beauty for years.”

Korobkova sells her handiwork through her Etsy shop, WWHeart.

WWHeart: Etsy | Instagram
via [My Modern Met Selects]

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