World’s Chillest Alien Just Lounging Around

Artist David Herbert created this very unique sculpture he called “Monarch” which resembles the alien from the Alien film series directed by Ridley Scott. Sitting quite casually on the side of the road (above), this relaxed creature is seen with a near perfect monarch butterfly which sits on its hand. The large sculpture is 8 ft tall and made of chicken wire, spray foam, plaster, chrome paint, colored paper, plywood and steel. What a a bizarre and comical sight!

When we reached out to the artist, he told us that the sculpture took, on and off, a total of two months to create. Although it was originally inspired by Swiss surrealist artist H. R. Giger’s illustrations, it ended up resembling the more familiar alien from the movies. “I wanted to make a sort of Shakespearean theme of a fallen autocrat,” Herbert tells us.

David Herbert’s website

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