Woman With 36 Different Appearances!

I wouldn’t be surprised if photographer Nienke Klunder was a Russian spy. She is a master at transforming her appearance, as you can see from these 36 drastically different self-portraits.

Klunder says the set, named The Community, is “an exploration into the female quest for identity and self expression. Every aspect of our choices in hair, make up, clothing adds a layer of recognition from society of the character we are or believe ourselves to be.”

Born in California in 1975 and raised in the Netherlands, Klunder’s series are visual essays that are in turn comic, tragic, sexual, and political. Moving between the roles of photographer and subject, her work has the effect of a series of cinematic stills with each image containing a larger story.

*EDIT – There are 35 different appearances, not 36.

Nienke Klunder’s website

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