Announcing the Winner of Nissan’s Photo Contest: "The Future" Category

It’s with great pleasure that we now get to announce “The Future” category winner in Nissan’s Capture Your #BestShot photo contest! Three weeks ago, we asked our European visitors to show us their best photo that represents what they believe is the future. The contest just wrapped up on November 6 and now we get to pick the category winner!

Christopher Zwerina from Germany takes home the top spot with his storytelling image (seen immediately below). The word “DIVING” is mysteriously spelled out in front of a large body of water with a cityscape in the horizon. For this photo, Zwerina wins a trip for two to Zurich, Switzerland to attend Art Basel in June. Congrats!

Below are the honorable mentions. You can also find some more fantastic shots from the contest, here.

The Winner: Christopher Zwerina (Germany)

Dom (UK)

Ken Ezeji-Okoye (France)

Christopher Zwerina (Germany)

Hanif Widjaya Koesoemah (UK)

As seen in this new video, all of the submissions played a key role in inspiring the upcoming launch of Nissan’s newest car, Qashqai. Thanks for entering, everyone!

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