Incredible Wood Sculptures Boast Bold Blocks of Color

Italian sculptor Willy Verginer continues to amaze us with his incredible wood sculptures accented with bright, bold acrylic paint. Each figure in the artist’s growing collection of work is carved down from a large, solid block of linden wood. Verginer first uses a chainsaw to give shape to his sculptures and then opts for finer tools to simulate realistic details.

Verginer’s figurative creations, whose realistic construction combined with surreal compositions are impressively eye-catching, left alone, are enlivened by the artist’s choice to add vibrant blocks of color. Whether his figurative subjects are children, adults, elderly folks, or even animals, the artist creates beautiful, lifelike replicas with something extra to make them special.

Each sculpture offers an imaginative look at mankind and his relationship with nature. At times, Verginer even presents the two as one. He features women with floral patterns embroidering their body, a young boy sprouting flowers from his fingertips, and a small child balancing atop the rear end of a donkey. There are also countless pieces in his portfolio that present wildlife as an extension, much like a limb, sticking out from various parts of the human form. They are all visually connected with color.

Willy Verginer website
via [Empty Kingdom, Colossal]

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