Miniature People Living in an Unusually Whimsical World

In this series entitled Minimize, photographer William Kass produces an unusual viewpoint of life as experienced by miniature little people. He blends toy figures with a variety of regular sized props to create the illusion of great proportions within a very small space. Utilizing immense patience and precision, Kass composes each scene within the frame of his camera, obtaining the perfect perspective in order to capture the playfully whimsical narratives.

The lighthearted compositions feature the artist’s clever and imaginative way of seeing the world. A group of men go fishing for large sashimi, an ear of corn becomes an obstacle to climb, and a bunch of green grapes are transformed into a glamorous stage for dramatic performers. Other objects Kass transforms into fictional adventures include an iPhone, a candy bar, noodles, pickles, and a box of matches.

If you are interested in this type of photography, you can check out the video below to see the process behind one of Kass’s detailed sets.

William Kass’ website
via [3 Hands Project]

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