Clever Dog Collar Gadget Monitors Pet’s Daily Activities


This new product by San Francisco-based company Whistle is just like a pedometer, but it isn’t meant for people. The pet-friendly device, simply called Whistle, attaches to a dog’s collar and monitors all kinds of data based on the animal’s weight, age, and breed. It collects information about how much the dog walks, plays, and rests throughout a day, plus it registers any abnormal behavior, so that owners can get a better idea of their dog’s general health.

Owners can check in on their pets throughout the day from their phones. You can set goals for your furry friend and then monitor progress. The timeline lists daily improvements and declines in everyday activities as well as trends like how many times a goal was reached and which day of the week was the most active. Important data can be shared with the vet in order to predict any potential health issues.

The company says, “We believe the relationship with our pets is one of the most important bonds we have in life, and that a better understanding of our pets’ health is critical to strengthen that connection.” By improving our pets’ well-being, Whistle believes that we can enrich our relationships with our pets and potentially add years to their lives. Check out the catchy video below to find out more about the product.


Whistle Labs: Website
via [Laughing Squid]

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