When Cubicle-Mates Attack! – Awesome Office Pranks (14 pics)

Post-It Attack!

Oh, the sweet joy of a well-executed prank! The look on a coworker’s face as they see their vandalized workspace is worth every second of putting these together.

When NBC invited fans of The Office to send in pictures of their places of work, they received thousands of photos. Many people decided to use the opportunity to send in photos of the pranks they’d played on their colleagues. Here are some of my favorites.

The Office inspired Stapler in Jell-O.

Mouse O’ Jell-O

The Rubby Phone

Crime Scene

Merry Christmas!

I Love Pink Bunnies!

Post-It OCD

Swimming in Peanuts

You’ve Been Foiled!

Creepy Obsession with Dwight from The Office.

Beach Ball Mania!

Office Celebration

Floating Cubicle

The Office website

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