Gorgeous Watercolor Paintings of the Diverse Landscapes Nature Has to Offer

Watercolor Landscape Paintings by Adem Potas

Istanbul-based painter, decorator, and interior designer Adem Potaş delicately paints stunning scenes of nature. Skilled in depicting light and capturing color, the expert artist creates watercolor landscapes that appear to ethereally glow.

Featuring intricate brushstrokes, beautifully blended color, and perfectly cropped compositions, Potaş’ series of watercolors showcases the artist’s knack for landscape painting. Though his preferred subject matter is always rooted in nature and rendered in his characteristically captivating style, his paintings present a unique look at different scenic settings. Often, he focuses on individual trees—especially those sporting blossoms and colorful flowers—as well as entire forest scenes. He also enjoys recreating seascapes, as it gives him the opportunity to play with and explore the effects of light on water. In addition to his distinctive landscapes, Potaş also dabbles in macro paintings of flowers and other plants.

Potaş—who also works as an esteemed Stage and Visual Arts professor at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in Istanbul—posts progress shots and photographs of his completed pieces on his Instagram. Check out his painterly page to see more exquisite pieces and to follow his practice.

Scroll down for a stunning selection of watercolor landscapes by Adem Potaş.

Watercolor Landscapes by Adem PotasWatercolor Landscapes by Adem PotasWatercolor Landscapes by Adem PotasWatercolor Landscapes by Adem PotasWatercolor Paintings by Adem PotasWatercolor Landscapes by Adem PotasWatercolor Landscape Paintings by Adem PotasWatercolor Landscapes by Adem PotasWatercolor Landscape Paintings by Adem PotasWatercolor Paintings by Adem PotasWatercolor Paintings by Adem PotasWatercolor Paintings by Adem PotasWatercolor Paintings by Adem PotasAdem Potaş: Instagram

All images via Adem Potaş.

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