100,800 Colorful LED Lights on Sydney’s Harbour Bridge

Starting May 24 and running till June 10, a brand new interactive installation is making its debut at Vivid Sydney, the world famous light festival in Sydney, Australia that draws in crowds of more than half a million. Intel Australia has teamed up with Sydney-based light company 32 Hundred Lighting to create an exciting world-first.

Sydney’s iconic Harbour Bridge has been strung up with 100,800 individual programmable LEDs that will constantly be changing colors..by you! Using a state-of-the-art custom-designed software program and an interactive touch screen interface, visitors at Luna Park boardwalk (from 6p to midnight) will be able to control individual sections of the bridge to light up, along the upper and lower arches of its western face, making it the very first time the public has been allowed to interact with the bridge in this capacity.

As the new centerpiece of Vivid Sydney, the light installation will allow thousands of “artists” to “paint” the bridge from its drab gray color to a gorgeous array of vivid colors. Spectacular!

32 Hundred Lighting website
Photos via [32 Hundred Lighting Facebook]

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