Multicolored Palette Knife Paintings Explore the Many Layers of Human Emotions

Artist Joshua Miels‘ textured paintings pop off the canvas with multicoloured brilliance. Through intricate layering techniques, his vivid paintings communicate the raw emotion that his subjects inevitably convey through their subtle physical cues, which Miels eloquently picks up on and then transmits through his paintbrush. His striking portraits are powerful in both their technical brilliance and their ability to strip each model down to their most vulnerable state.

Miels is an Australia-based contemporary artist that paints with an unconventional combination of colour patterns. Each of his intimate portraits set a mood that naturally plays off his subjects’ facial features. Miels seeks to “capture the vulnerability of people and the emotions that people try to hide from others” through his careful brushwork and multi-layered techniques. His pieces offer a powerfully complete portrait of the invisible energy people exude, communicating human sentiments with which we can all relate to on some level. 

Joshua Miels: Website | Instagram | Facebook

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