Line Drawings Transform Everyday Objects Into Quirky Scenes

It’s amazing what artists can do with everyday objects. When put in the right context, a feather appears to be a knife, a lone grape looks just like a red balloon, and cookies can sweep the floor. Artist Victor Nunes has taken this concept to a whole new level by pairing multiple objects together into wildly animated scenes.

In his ongoing series, Faces, Nunes places anything from pairs of scissors to pumpkin seeds onto a page and then freely sketches around them to produce the unexpected and delightful compositions. He has a great sense of humor as he playfully transforms bits of food, old wine corks, and crumpled candy wrappers into an elaborate page filled with incredible line drawings. Without the objects in place, the illustrations would appear incomplete. By placing everything together in imaginative arrangements, Nunes presents his viewers with all kinds of quirky creations.

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