This City Offers a Free Ride to Anyone Who’s Reading on Public Transportation

The Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca came up with a novel idea that promotes literacy within its borders. From June 4th to June 7th, anyone reading on the city’s public transportation was allowed to ride for free. Victor Miron–a local literacy advocate– is actually the one who devised the inspiring Travel by Book initiative. “In Cluj-Napoca there already was free transportation for students and elderly,” Miron told GOOD Magazine. “I just thought that readers deserve it as well because they offer a good example. I think people are getting an appetite for reading if they see other people read books.”

After Cluj-Napoca approved the plans, the residents’ responses were exceptional. On the event’s Facebook page, thousands of people RSVP’d and now Miron’s already planning to create more events. Several other Romanian cities have also become interested in this incredible venture and have reached out to the book-loving man for help. Ultimately, it seems that reading and free transportation are the perfect combination.

Victor Miron: Website
Travel by Book: Facebook
via [GOOD Magazine]

All photos via Travel by Book’s event page

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