Simple Design Lets You Creatively Bring Nature Indoors with a Vertical Grid Garden

As summer winds to a close and the temperature begins to drop, homeowners are forced to find creative ways to save their gardens from frost. Fifth-generation tulip farmer and visionary designer Joost Bakker believes that “plants should surround us in our homes and our work.” He’s done the thinking for us and has developed a modernist approach to indoor gardening.

Collaborating with sustainable furniture and design company Schiavello, Bakker’s latest product is called The Vertical Garden. It’s a gridded structure that fits as seamlessly into a room as a bookshelf. The steel framework holds a variety of furnishings on its shelves, and contains holes wide enough to fit potted plants. “My work has always been about bringing nature inside. As we spend more time inside away from nature I think it is more important than ever, it’s a primal link that subconsciously relaxes us,” says Bakker. “Designed with symmetry and repetitive order, these vertical gardens make for uncomplicated additions that allow the plant to be the hero.”

Whether you use it as a nature-filled bookshelf, an indoor herb garden, or a room divider, the Vertical Garden ensures your house is a little bit greener.

Joost Bakker: Website | Instagram
Schiavello: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
via [Contemporist]

All images via Schiavello.

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