Photorealistic Paintings of Eyes Reflecting Their Surroundings

Though it is often said that the human eye can be revealing about a person, Jakarta-based Indonesian artist Veri Apriyatno‘s series titled The Witnesses reveals a lot more about a person’s surroundings through the reflection of their eyes. Each hyperrealistic mixed media creation in the series (made with charcoal, pencil, and acrylics on canvas) presents an entire world within the gaze of a glistening eye.

The series presents a captivating viewpoint that is rich enough with unique perspective and content, were it a collection of photographs, but it is all the more impressive, given its photorealistic medium. Apriyatno’s skilled hand manages to not only accurately portray the human eye and its multi-textured details–the glossy, at times veiny, surface of the eyeball, wispy eyelashes, wrinkles of the eyelid–but he is also able to believably simulate various scenes in the cornea of each expressive eye. Like tiny magic mirrors, the eyes reveal enough in their reflections without any words necessary.

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