Gorgeous Urban Landscapes Captured from Dubai Rooftops

Vadim Makhorov certainly has an adventurous spirit! The Russian photographer braves “interesting, unusual, and hard to reach areas” in order to capture urban landscapes from creative perspectives. By scaling tall buildings and having no fear of heights, he provides the rest of us with captivating views of places quite unlike anything we’ve seen before.

During his travels, Makhorov decided to photograph the city of Dubai as it continues to reach architecturally towards the sky. Finding his way to the top of many of the tallest buildings in the world, he and his friends were able to document the luxurious beauty of the complex road structures and contemporary building designs. Throughout his work, it’s evident that Makhorov isn’t afraid to take risks as he continues to climb higher and higher.

Earlier this spring, he caused quite the stir when he and two friends ascended 481-feet to the top of the pyramids in Egypt, avoiding the armed guards below, and capturing the splendor of the Giza Necropolis below. The reactions were a mix between awe at the stunning shots he was able to produce and concerns for his blatant disregard for the law. The very talented photographer said, “We didn’t want to insult anyone. We were just following the dream.”

Vadim Makhorov’s Blog
via [Twisted Sifter]

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