26 Useful Websites That Will Completely Change Your Life for the Better

26 Cool Websites You Can't Live Without

In this day and age, there’s something for everyone—and that includes online. Left with scraps in the fridge and don’t know what to make for dinner? There’s a website for that. Need a push to relax during a chaotic day? There’s one for that, too.

In fact, there’s no shortage of clever sites that actually help you in ways you didn’t even think you needed. And we’re not just talking clever games or ways to distract yourself while in the office. Take a look at 26 websites you never knew you needed, but can’t live without, and then take a look at even more at r/InternetIsBeautiful.

Get your bookmarks ready, here are 26 cool websites that will change your life.

cool websites

The True Size

There’s always lots of chatter about true size maps, and The True Size makes it easy to see how different countries and states geographically stack up. It makes you realize just how large continents like Africa really are, and gives interesting comparative states. For instance, did you know that California is comparable in size to Iraq?


cool websites

Wireless Passwords in Airports Around the World

This crowdsourced list of internet passwords in airports and airport lounges around the world is constantly being updated. While there are paid apps that work offline, the website version is always free, meaning you don’t have to spend all your cash on data roaming to get a good connection while traveling.

cool websites


If you work in a distracting environment or are a light sleeper, mix and match your perfect ambient noise with Noisli.

cool websites

How Many People Are In Space Right Now?

The title says it all. If you’re curious about astronomy and want to know ‘How many people are in space right now?,’ look no further.

cool websites

How Long to Read This?

Aren’t sure if the book you bought will last the entire plane ride? Or are you intimidated by the number of pages in the book you were just gifted? This cool website not only tells you how long it takes on average for people to read a given title, it also calculates your personalized time based on how fast you read.

cool websites


Designers will love this website, which allows you to see how any word you type will appear in a variety of different fonts.

cool websites

Music Map

Type the name of any musician and get a Music Map of similar artists. You can click and travel along any name to discover new musicians that might interest you.

cool website

Do Nothing for 2 Minutes

It may sound silly, but if you need a break from the chaos of everyday life, this website is a perfect time out. It literally forces you to “do nothing” for two minutes while listening to the soothing sounds of crashing waves. You’d be surprised how long two minutes feels—and how refreshed you are when it’s done.


Cool Website You Can't Live Without

My Fridge Food

Only have a few ingredients in the house and aren’t sure how to make a meal out of them? My Fridge Food lets you check off the food you have left in the house and spits out recipes submitted by users that use what you have.

cool websites

Down for Everyone or Just Me?

Type in any website and see if everyone is having difficulty accessing it, or if it’s just your bad internet connection.

cool website

Caffeine Calculator

How much is too much? If you ever wondered if all that caffeine you’re drinking might kill you, this caffeine calculator will tell you exactly how much it would take to push you over the edge.

cool websites

Cost of Living Calculator

Ever dreamed of picking up and moving to another country? Before you take our your passport and set up roots somewhere else, check out this handy cost of living calculator. You can select countries and major cities, and the site will even compare the cost of living between where you are currently located and where you would like to go. For instance, did you know that rent is 28% lower in Paris compared to Los Angeles? But be prepared to shell out a bit more when you go out to eat, as Paris restaurants are 8% higher than those in L.A..

cool website

This to That

For your next DIY project, check This to That to see what glue to use in order to attach two different materials to one another.

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