Urban Street Art – The Ophans by AT.AW.

The Orphans’ is an art series by AT.AW. that involves adhering temporary paper drawings to enliven the urban environment. The act of “consuming” ubiquitous urban objects creates a whimsical layer to the often mediocre or bland design of urban infrastructure. This intense massing creates a provocative singular wall paper effect, delightfully animating the experience of the object. Unlike graffiti which emphasizes territory or the individual persona/ego of the tagger, these character are mass produced mini-portraitures that celebrate the potential manufactured diversity of the urban environment. AT.AW. modestly began in Toronto, Canada and actively promotes ‘urban play’ with a DIY mass-produced series of artwork. Through the medium of street art, they optimistically subvert the often neglected, mediocre and complacent urban condition.

AT.AW’s website

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