Urban HotSpot: From Church to Modern Nightclub (13 photos)

Although some could see this as sacrilegious, it’s hard to deny that this church-turned-nightclub looks absolutely stunning. Entrepreneur Franseco Ravo purchased the church and hired Puresang Design Studio to create Spirito – Martini, a new urban hotspot in Brussels, Belgium. Combining modern glamor with “gothic extravaganza,” the space includes three bars with five different lounges and a private room. Guests “should be able to enjoy the luxurious champagnes, divine liqueurs, or a delicious Martini on the heavenly beats of a live band or DJ.” Puresang maintained various architectural elements from the former Anglican church, most noticeably the arches, high ceilings, and extravagant chandeliers. Furniture upholstered in velout fabric and leather create a luxurious setting, while digital printing and unique wall paper with a Victorian flare has been used to dress-up various surfaces throughout the interior.

Spirito – Martini website Puresang Design Studio website via yatzer

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