Unbelievable Nail Art by Marcus Levine

If you were blown away by Andrew Myers’ screw art, you’ll be equally impressed with these nail art compositions. Marcus Levine can take up to three weeks to create one of these pieces but that’s not the crazy part. Levine is known for putting, quite literally, his blood, sweat and tears into each piece. “It takes around 3,500 nails per picture and I regularly cut myself and occasionally hit my finger with the hammer. So I do suffer for my art,” he says.

Don’t worry, Levine’s the type that loves his job. In fact, he’s motivated by creative challenges. “I have always been drawn to creating things, ‘Idle hands are the devils work’, is probably a good description of my personality. I find that if a day goes by that I have not achieved some modicum of creativity I am depressed with myself and it is that which drives me forward,” Levine shares.

Marcus Levine’s website
via [Illusion]

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