Twisted Childhood Memories


What happens when a modern day artist takes some of their favorite childhood characters and gives them a fresh new look? You get something incredibly twisted, like this. What does Pac-Man’s skeleton look like? Who’s really playing the part of Pooh bear? These questions and more are answered in this eye-opening post.

Just’ll never look at these characters the same way again!

Kermit the Frog X-Ray by Joshua Kemble.

Kermit the Frog X-Ray by Joshua Kemble.

Bugs Bunny by Hyungkoo Lee

Bugs Bunny by Hyungkoo Lee

Pac-Man by Le Gentil Garcon.

Pac-Man by Le Gentil Garcon.

Gingerbread Man by Jason Freeny.

Gingerbread Man by Jason Freeny.

Secret Identity by Chow Hon Lam.

Secret Identity by Chow Hon Lam.

Castaway by Glennz.

Castaway by Glennz.

Toys on Roids by Glennz.

Toys on Roids by Glennz.

The Dark Side by Chow Hon Lam

The Dark Side by Chow Hon Lam

Fugitive by Glennz

Fugitive by Glennz

Naked Hello Kitty by Yoskay Yamamoto

Naked Hello Kitty by Yoskay Yamamoto

Naked Mario via Kotaku

Naked Mario via Kotaku

Sick Ronald by Lora8

Sick Ronald by Lora8

Scary Smurfs by Marcelo Braga.

Scary Smurfs by Marcelo Braga.

Vulnerable Superheroes by Adrian Tranquilli.

Vulnerable Superheroes by Adrian Tranquilli.

Decrepit Superheroes by Gilles Barbier.

Decrepit Superheroes by Gilles Barbier.

Cookie Monster's Gone Rogue by Paco Pomet.

Cookie Monster’s Gone Rogue by Paco Pomet.

Twisted Princesses by Jeffrey Thomas.

Twisted Princesses by Jeffrey Thomas.

Invading Crayon Drawings by Mikkel Sommer

Invading Crayon Drawings by Mikkel Sommer

Older Calvin and Hobbes by ~mscorley

Older Calvin and Hobbes by ~mscorley

Grandma Barbie by Unknown

Grandma Barbie by Unknown

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