Artist Travis Rice’s colorful installations are made up of thousands of strips of shredded paper that mimic the natural world in a whimsical way. Depending on how much imagination you employ, the paper columns and lakes can look like colorful underwater forests, rainbow-tinted jellyfish tentacles or the rippling surface of a Technicolor ocean. Although the finished products look exotic, on his website, Rice reveals that he resorts to a common office appliance to help him craft the installations – a document shredder.
The theory behind his work is to create a sense of movement, much like impressionist painters fostered with their blurry backgrounds and streaked, painted lines. “The approach is similar to that of the impressionist painter, but the brush stroke has been replaced by individual thin strips of paper that are the resultant product of a mechanical shredder,” he says. “The constructed forms are meant to imply frozen motion often starting from the ceiling and cascading to the floor.”
via [Beautiful Decay]