Tragic Portraits of America’s Endangered Species (12 pics)

Representing a 20-year-long mission of National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore to record North American species facing extinction, Rare: Portraits of America’s Endangered Species is a beautiful book filled with tragic stories. Sartore showcases 69 creatures from snails to wolves to whooping cranes, capturing haunting portraits that make us remember how mankind is negatively impacting other forms of life. I was lucky enough to receive an advance copy of the book from National Geographic. (The book came as part of a press kit for Nat Geo’s new cable network, Nat Geo Wild…more on that later.) It starts off with Sartore’s foreword, which was a moving cry for help. “Maybe people don’t care about a rare bug, but seeing a cute little mouse, or a charismatic icon like a polar bear, may move them. By photographing the most endangered of our plants and animals, I can make the most dramatic plea to get folks to stop and take a look at the pieces and parts that we’re throwing away. Putting them on black and white backgrounds gives all equal weight and consideration from snail to sea turtle.”

I’d highly recommend the book. Haunting, tragic but beautiful and moving, Rare’s one of those books you’ll want to share with all of the future generations to come. You can get a special, signed copy of Rare: Portraits of America’s Endangered Species on Sartore’s website. Other Amazing Animal Photography: Hi-Def Pics – Best Animal Pictures of 2008 (13 Photos) Incredible Animal Photography – Stefano Unterthiner (12 pics) Incredible Wildlife Shots by Rob Kroenert (13 photos) Amazing Wildlife Photography – Suha Derbent (18 photos) Animals in Stunning Clarity (12 photos)

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