Meditative Human Sculptures Transfer Energy Through Black Wires

When connecting with a fellow human being, what is it that we share? Tracey Sarsfield’s Reflected is a powerful exhibition that explores this thought-provoking question, allowing onlookers to see that a relationship is not always something that can be seen or put into words. Several of the display’s meaningful pieces show two human forms sitting directly across from each other in a meditative pose, conveying the undetectable higher state of being that is reached when individuals come together.

Composed of resin, paint, fiberglass, and vinyl, the figures are connected by a number of bold black wires, which form an intricate pattern along their bodies before extending outward in a profoundly connective fashion. This distinct aspect of the sculpture is meant to show that deep and powerful energy is being exchanged between the two people. Viewers are then encouraged by the exhibition’s symbolism to take a moment to think about the deeper meaning behind their own personal relationships. “I want to portray the layers of the human subconscious and the psyche as they exist within us. Through figurative art work I have connected the internal workings of our mind with the exterior,” explains Sarsfield in the Momentum Catalogue

Tracey Sarsfield’s Website
via [My Amp Goes To 11, Trend Hunter, Momentum]   

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