Top 10 Flickr Photographers That Give You an Experience

Ask me over a year ago if I liked Flickr and my head would emphatically shake no. Today, however, I see Flickr as an endless source of inspiration, a wonderful place where you can see the creativity and imagination flow out of people. It’s where I go to to find personal stories, a different point of view, and mostly, an experience. I’ve put together a list of my top ten favorite Flickr photographers who give me just that, an escape from my everyday life, who put a smile on my face and give me an amazing experience. 1. Jason Lee (aka jwlphotography)

Jason always surprises us with new pictures of his beautiful daughters. It’s the creativity and thought behind each picture that makes his photostream so unique. 2. i.Anton

The best word to describe i.Anton’s work is magical. Each picture makes you feel like you’ve stepped into a beautiful dream. She manipulates light and captures color like no other. Her photostream is one to watch. 3. Olivia Bee

Who doesn’t step back in time when they look through Olivia Bee’s photos? It’s like we’re peaking inside her teenage diary. Olivia’s Flickr photostream is beautiful. 4. Chris M (aka powerpig)

Chris M.’s Star Wars and Lego photos are sure to crack you up. Whether he’s getting a Stormtrooper to ride a chipmunk or cooking up Lego heads for breakfast, his photostream will always leave you laughing. 5. Pierre Beteille (Monkeyman)

Pierre is one of those guys who you know has a great sense of humor. Sometimes a bit dark, Pierre creates interesting scenes that really push boundaries. We dig that about him. 6. Vincent Bousserez

Vincent is a French photographer who’s specialty is creating a mysterious world of little people. It’s a world that seems as ordinary as our very own but look a little closer and you may just see something you might have once missed. 7. Joe Penniston

Who’ll recreate the magic of Disneyland for you when you’re sitting at your desk at 2pm? No one other than Joe Penniston. A self-professed Disney fan/nerd /geek/nut, Joe shows us why Disneyland is still the most magical place on earth. 8. Shaun (f letter)

Shaun is a graphic designer who lives in Portland, Oregon. His specialty? Pretty pictures with poetic text. 9. Dep (

What better way to check out some fresh graffiti painting than through an artist’s Flickr photostream? Dep from documents his awesome work for all of us to see. 10. Siebe

Here’s a photographer I found last night who’s work I’m really enjoying. Here’s a little about him. “I’m an 21 year old furnituremaker from Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands. My passion in life is photography, in the weekends and after work I’m always busy with something related to photography. Many people take photos during a holiday or event but for me a photo must be more than just a snap out of time. For me the touristic places doesn’t always matter, its more about the small details that make the place so special.Bonus! The Official White House Photostream

Who doesn’t appreciate a look inside the White House? Never have we had the ability to look this closely inside the life of our American President. From personal moments with his wife or kids to what was once clandestine meetings with his staff, the photos take us into the life of President Obama and creates a whole new level of transparency we’ve never known before. So, here are my favorites. Now tell me, who are some of your favorite Flickr photographers?

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