Tom Hanks Surprises Couple by Crashing Their Wedding Photo Shoot in Central Park

Most couples dread a wedding crasher—that one person who still manages to show up uninvited. But when Tom Hanks makes an appearance during your wedding portraits, you’re willing to give him a pass. That’s what happened to newlyweds Elizabeth and Ryan while they were in Central Park with photographer Meg Miller. In a serendipitous moment, Hanks strolled over to them mid-photo shoot and congratulated them on their big day.

“He walked up to them unprovoked,” Miller told BuzzFeed. “Shock and excitement pretty much sum it up how we were all feeling in that moment. It was an exciting NYC moment for the couple and for me.” The famous actor was described as polite, friendly, and thrilled for Elizabeth and Ryan. Luckily, Miller captured the once-in-a-lifetime moment in a series of timeless black and white photos. “I was happy we were in position and had the couple in good lighting for the big surprise,” she recalled. “I just kept thinking I shouldn’t stop clicking.”

Hanks posted his own selfie, too:

Meg Miller Photography: Website | Facebook
via [BuzzFeed, Mashable]

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