99 Picture Frame Illustrations Fill New York’s Ace Hotel

Equipped with paint markers and opaque black paint, designer Timothy Goodman transformed the blank white walls of a room inside the Ace Hotel in New York with his illustrations that pay homage to the Big Apple. From the free outdoor movie screenings at Bryant Park to the parade of over 100 million rats that can be seen scurrying through the subway system, Goodman has tried to capture the essence of New York in his multi-sized picture frames, of which there are 99.

Similar to artist Charlotte Mann drawing her own windows and homey clutter, Goodman adds personality and art to the room without taking up any physical space. The monochromatic scheme displaying a series of drawings that look like they’ve jumped right out of the artist’s own sketchbook also add an interesting aesthetic to the room that echoes the hotel’s own “hipster meets motorcycle chic” style.

Timothy Goodman website
via [CollabCubed]

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