Traveling in a Flying Home

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to travel without the hassle of packing your luggage and going through airport customs? Switzerland-based designer Timon Sager has an innovative idea for solving those pesky traveling pet peeves – build a flying house! While Sager’s project known as Wolke 7 is still a concept design, it is an ideal notion that seems very plausible in the not-too-distant future. Like a more conceivable version of Disney’s Up, the modern yacht-like home is suspended by over a dozen durable cables affixed to two sardine-like giant zeppelins.

The elegantly styled home features multiple decks with several amenities any modern homeowner would want – from a sleek entertainment room to a lavish bedroom. The house also features immense windows that would make every beautiful angle visible. If you have a paralyzing fear of heights, this may not be the home for you, but then again, who could pass up the greatest benefit of traveling in the comfortable confines of one’s home? Wolke 7 would also eliminate the arduous task of packing light and researching for a hotel at your destination. Instead of hectic worrying, flying-homeowners can relax and sail the skies to their favorite vacationing spot.

Timon Sager website
via [Yanko Design]

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