The Most Comfortable Couch Ever!

In these harsh economic times all I want to do is curl up on my couch and sip on my chicken soup. Someone turn off the lights, I’ll use my reading lamp to snuggle up and catch up on my reading. I’m torn about the Snuggie, that raspberry monk outfit has me wondering just what kind of comfort we’re talkin’ about. But, heck, throw that on me too. One look at CNN and I know we’ll be in hibernation mode for a long while. If a girl could dream, I’d be curling up on on French designer Inga Semp’s Coussin Sofa for Norwegian manufacturer L.K. Hjelle. Coussin (meaning pillow in french) is a ultra comfy sofa which is made of a base bed with a mattress. Fixed is a long cushion, with loose ends which can be wrapped around you. It is like a bed with pillows under your head, under your feet, and wrapped around yourself. Holy hot mother of God. I need this.

{Via Contemporist}

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