The Man Behind the Most Amazing Gift

Right around Christmas, I received a surprising message from a member on My Modern Met. It said this, “Seeing that this site has easily turned into my favorite place on the internet, I’d like to donate a copy of the Creative Suite 5 Web Premium for the holidays.” I was flabbergasted! With a retail value of $1,799, I thought, how could this be?

Brian Thaut had been a member of our site since June 2009 but looking at his page you’d never know that he actually works for Adobe. (His title and company on MMM says Ginger Epicurean of Pudding on the Rice.) Brian began working with Omniture, a leading web analytics company, since its inception. He’d watched it grow from a handful of people to it ultimately being acquired by Adobe. When asked about his job, here is what he shared:

“Helping leading companies around not just understand what their potential online is, but seeing it come to fruition. It has yet to sync in that what I do for fun is actually my career. I often think that this world is backwards because I get paid to talk, and it isn’t because I look pretty. A highlight for me was having the opportunity to speak about the Adobe Online Marketing suite at the Cannes Lions Advertising festival last year. Forbes mentioned my presentation as a highlight of their week at the festival.

“I spend the majority of my life on an airplane. So much so that Delta sent me an iPad for Christmas this year. I really enjoy the opportunity to travel so much, and I can’t really say that I have a favorite place. Each place in this world has something amazing to offer, the challenge is to find what that is. The great thing is that my other passions of photography and culinary seem to fit right into my traveling lifestyle.”

We can’t thank Brian enough for sending us this amazing gift. (As you can tell from the image above, he ultimately sent us CS5 Design Premium.) We’ll definitely put it to good use. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

We’ll be meeting up with Brian later this month to see how we can partner up with him in bringing you all the latest and greatest from Adobe. Stay tuned!

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