30+ Illustrated Good News Stories That Will Help Restore Your Faith in the World

The Happy Broadcast

Sigh. It’s been a tough year. With one terrible headline after the next, reading the news might feel like it’s taking a toll on your mental health. It’s not all doom and gloom though! There’s still plenty of good happening in the world. And thanks to illustrator Mauro Gatti, you can read about it all in one place. He’s the maker behind The Happy Broadcast, an Instagram account that documents positive news. Each happy story is colorfully illustrated with a cute character, making it impossible not to smile back while scrolling through the feed.

Gatti has been creating and sharing his happy news illustrations for years, but his daily posts are particularly welcome during these challenging times. Earlier this year, we shared his series focused on uplifting stories that happened during the pandemic, from acts of kindness to environmental successes. Since then, Gatti has continued to illustrate more good news that is sure to restore your faith in humanity and in the health of our planet.

One piece of news Gatti recently shared is about a new fabric that can suck up CO2 from the atmosphere. And in another illustration, he shares the fact that the world’s largest fur auction house will close, since the demand for animal pelts has dropped. His uplifting stories aren’t just beneficial for those who need to hear (or read) them. Making them has been like therapy for Gatti. “It helped me a great deal,” he tells My Modern Met. “Being able to balance the fear-mongering and click-baiting headlines with some positivity and hope in the people of this world is key to a more optimistic life. And since the creation of The Happy Broadcast, I feel like the world is not the frightening place portrayed by many media outlets.”

In need of some good news? Check out some of the illustrations from The Happy Broadcast below and find even more stories on Instagram.

Illustrator Mauro Gatti shares uplifting news through his Instagram account, The Happy Broadcast.

The Happy BroadcastThe Happy Broadcast

These good news stories are exactly what we need during these challenging times.

The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastThe Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastGood News Illustrations by The Happy BroadcastThe Happy Broadcast: Website | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by The Happy Broadcast / Mauro Gatti.

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