The Coolest Clubhouse is Made Out of Crates (3 pics)

How does one look at a shipping container and see a public space? Just ask German artists Wolfgang Winter and Berthold Hrbelt who took hundreds of bottle crates and perched them on a shipping container, creating a cool clubhouse. But this type of creative work isn’t new to them. The artists create art landmarks for public spaces all over the world. They work to reclaim lost public spaces and open people’s eyes to the fact that art is an important vehicle to increase the quality of life, not only to make the city more beautiful. Winter/Hrbelt’s beautiful, light filled crate-houses use recycled, everyday objects to build functional spaces for shelter, meeting and entertainment. “During our visits we saw the metal shipping containers that people of Castleford use as meeting points, something like small clubhouses; one of our first ideas was to change a little this kind of architecture, to create maybe a functional pavilion with sculptural and architectural qualities as a semi-public space where people can stay together in a pleasant way and have fun together. In Germany we call those places Vereinsheim (clubhouse).” Coolest part? In 2008 the London Times newspaper named The Cratehouse in Castleford, Yorkshire one of the top ten works of public art in the U.K.


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