Instagrammer Shares a Virtual Bakery of Artisanal Parisian Desserts

Graphic designer and chef patissier Tal Spiegel merges his two passions into one deliciously stunning Instagram account. His cleverly named Desserted In Paris feed contains a series of artisanal pastries that will leave you torn. On one hand, you’d love to take a bite of such delectable treats–but on the other hand, you wouldn’t want to destroy such impressive artwork.

Spiegel also manages to incorporate his love of shoes into each and every snapshot. “There is a natural connection between the colorfullness [sic] of desserts and shoes, and this is a project I just cant stop creating!” the artist writes. When combined, these visually delightful elements form a culinary picture that will make you want to hop on the next flight to Paris.

Above: Bleu Blanc Rouge clair from Fauchon

Hokusa clair from Fauchon

Lily Valley from Carl Marletti

Lemon Sun from Lentre

Mona Liza clair from Fauchon

Lemon Meringue Tart from Un Dimanche Paris

Desir Lime and Wild Strawberries from Pierre Herme

Meringue Raspberry Cute Miniature from Les Fes Patissires

Tart Citron from Mori Yoshida

Eclair de Genie’s Barlette with Raspberries and Orange Flower from L’ Eclair de Gnie

Chocolate Tonka Cake from Park Hyatt Paris-Vendome

Equinoxe from La Ptisserie Cyril Lignac

Chou Fraise from Fauchon

Fall-flavored “Beige” from Mori Yoshida

Carrot Orange Tart from Carl Marletti

Tal Spiegel: Instagram
via [Design TAXI]

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